2019 7 policy statement t3228


Public Summary for Linau FMU T-3228

2019 7 location fmu t3228

Figure 1: Location of Linau FMU T-3228

1.  Locality

The Linau Forest Management Unit (FMU) T-3228 covers an area of 72,685 ha 72,710Ha(s), its operable area is 58,825 ha 59,515 ha(s) and the remaining 13,860 ha 13,559 ha(s) is protection area. It was classified as Permanent Forest (PF) under Linau PF and Balui PF, & adjacent to Bahau PF at coupe 1.Linau FMU area is divided into 25 coupes with sizes ranging from 1,234 ha to 5,933 ha. 95% of the FMU area is located within the HoBs. The license T3228 was initially managed by Jebadi Sdn Bhd and was transferred to Diamond League S/B on 13 JUNE 2003. It was granted a forest logging re-entry/ harvesting license and managed by Shin Yang Trading Sdn Bhd. Commencing from year 2003 to 29 APRIL 2020 and Shin Yang Sdn Bhd is the harvesting contractor. The Linau FMU T3228 is located at Linau about 200 km east of Kapit town and 120 km South East of Belaga Town.


2.  Background

  1. Topography
    6,216 ha(s) of steep slopes areas (Terrain Classes IV) are found within some coupes of FMU area as well as along the areas bordering Sarawak-Indonesia Border.The site has elevations ranging from 2,000ft to over 5,000ft above mean sea level (amsl).
  2. Geology and soils: Skeletal soils and Red-yellow Podzolic soils., Gley soils, Podzols & Skeletal soil.

  3. Natural forest types: Mixed-Dipterocarp forest (MDF) & Secondary Mixed Dipterocarp Forest

  4. Precipitation: Based on data recorded at Belaga Weather Forecast, the mean annual rainfall of the FMU is about 3,595 mm.

  5. Local Community Settlement: there is no any settlement found inside the FMU area, but there is a longhouse, namely Long Lidam, found adjacent the boundary of the license area. The ethnicity of Long Lidem villagers are Punan Busang , with population around 110 villagers.

3.  Forest Resources

The timber stocks proportionate of DBH classes for Linau FMU are 30-40 cm dbh = 28%, 40-60cm dbh = 43%, 60-80 cm dbh is16%, 80-120 cm dbh is 11% and 120 cm and above dbh is 2%. Non- Timber Growing Stock is small- sized rattan species locally known as Uwei mongo and Uwei selongo in the forest to produce baskets, hats, backpack and mats & Firewood ranks, Kayu Belavan (Tristaniopsis sp.) and Kayu Tekalit (Lithocarpus sp.) .Protected Timber Growing Stock (HCV Assessment,Y-2016) Totally protected (TP) is only Ensurai ; Protected (P) such as -Menggris, Ipoh, Entimau , Kara, & Lengkan Gaharu and Vulnerable (VU): - Lun runcing, Selangan Merah & Gaharu. Endemic Flora Species : Kerdam Bukit, Luis , Urat Mata, Lun Runcing, Meranti Binatoh, Selangan Merah, Meranti Pasir, Resak Tangai Ungu, Empili, Putat , Segera, Pingan, Kakang, Kumpang, Ubah, Selunsur, Kawi, Nyalin, Rambutan Putih & Bayur ( Some endemic species may be commercially harvested in accordance to the state regulation).


4.  Forest Zoning

Total Area : 72,710 ha(s)
Production Area : 59151 ha(s)- 81% Operable area & PSP area :
Protection Area : 12,887 ha(s) – 18%, riparian buffer zone , IBBZ , Terrain IV as approved and HCVF areas, and
Community Use Right Area : 672 ha(s) -1% respected as SA area & Supply water for community of Long Lidem.


5. Management Objectives:

Ensure management effective with gaining the balance among economic viable , social acceptance and environment feeling according to applicable legal framework.


6.  Cutting rule & Cutting Limit :

The diameter-limit cutting are ≥ DBH 50 dbh for Dipterocarp species and ≥ 45cm dbh for non-Dipterocarp species & ensure that all species listed as Totally Protected under the Wild Life Protection Ordinance 1998 would not be felled.


7.  Yield Regulation :

The area will be worked over a period of 25 years in one cutting cycle according to Policy Direction in Forest Management Certification in Sarawak.


8.  Growth (Simulation as at July 2019):

For the Yields 30 cm dbh and above , growth (m3 ha-1) per annum = 5.61
For the Yields 45 cm dbh and above , growth (m3 ha-1) per annum = 1.49
For the Yields 50 cm dbh and above , growth (m3 ha-1) per annum = 1.75


9.  Annual Allowable Cut and Annual Cutting Area (Simulation as at July 2019):

The AAC for the Linau FMU is 55,547 m3 / annum while the ACA revised for the Linau FMU is 2,380.6ha(s)/ Annum


10.  Harvesting System

  • The harvesting system involves the selective cutting, re-entry timber harvesting of all hill forest in accordance with the term and conditions of the FTL No. T/3228;

  • The FMU is also practicing the Reduced impact logging (RIL) for ground based harvesting system using modified excavator with winch are used to minimize impact to the residual stand and to the soil and water value. The FMU is to ensure that the proper planning of roads and harvesting operation is of utmost importance in pre-harvesting stage;

  • The well-planned and constructed road network will enable forest harvesting operation in Linau FMU area to be carried out in a proper and economical way during the whole duration of the licenses and results in long term economic benefits for the licensee.

  • The RILs systems adopted by FMU practicing the Reduced impact logging (RIL) which involves pre-harvesting, harvesting and post harvesting planning and related activities.

  • The Monitoring and Control within the FMU during the pre-harvesting, harvesting and post harvesting is executed by Forestry Agency and FMU management team will follow the guidelines of pre-felling and post harvesting activities, quarterly EMR monitoring and SIA monitoring.

  • Yearly Internal Audit is carried out to ensure all the operation in the FMU is following the MC&I (Natural Forest) requirements and approved FMP.


11.  Environment Impact Assessment (update as at July 2019)

There are three stages of potential impacts were identified, there are impact during preparatory stages; impact during Felling and Harvesting Stage; and impact during abandonment stages. As ref to Swk L.N. 45/94 , first schedule of prescribed activities (Articles 2,3 and 6) clause 2 regulates that for extraction or felling of timber from any area exceeding 500 hectares which was previously been logged, the FMU need to submit the EIA report to NREB for approval. In relation to this, the EIA of Linau FMU T 3228 has been approved by NREB Controller by 15th July 2009 and the FMU will continuously monitor the status of comply of mitigation of impacts by submitting the Environmental Monitoring Report (EMR) quarterly. Mitigation of impacts in EIA report is the stage to determine possible preventable, remedial or compensatory measure for each of the adverse impacts evaluated as significant. Various mitigation measures are proposed to be carried out to minimized or alleviate any negative impacts. EQM of Linau main river water quality is to be maintained at Class IIB of the NWQSW.

Linau FMU has involved the Pilot Project of Environmental Compliance Audit commenced year 2019 to replace the EMR in audit and monitoring the compliances of ground practices in accordance to approved EIA terms and conditions.


12.  Wildlife Management (Update as at July 2019)

  • Linau FMU is to ensuring threatened and endangered species receive special management to protect their presence in the future, reduce negative effects of logging operation to the wildlife

  • Linau FMU has installed 3 camera traps at the HCV area to monitor the wildlife and also any illegal hunting. Linau FMU has engage registered honorary wildlife ranger in patrolling and to ensure the DF circular 6/99 and WLPO 1998 being followed by the Local workers.

  • The DF Circular 6/99 has been strictly complying with especially on hunting activity in the license area. Workers and adjacent communities are to be informed of this policy;

  • New wildlife posters (Color copy) and written instruction from the Managing Director on the ‘No hunting’ policies should be made available on site;

  • Regular patrols should be conducted to discourage and apprehend offenders. Signage and fencing can be erected at certain areas especially at the entry points to control the movement of unauthorized and illegal entries;

  • To avoid road-kills, the management prescription should take into consideration to initiate speed limits for logging truck and company vehicles especially inside the logging road. This initiative also can contribute in reducing logging road accidents in the area;

  • Community Education, Participation and Awareness (CEPA) program by the management is highly recommended. The management can engaged relevant agencies or organization with the program structures


13.  High Conservative Values Forest (HCVF)

The HCVs / HCVFs presented in Linau FMU T3228 are;

  • HCV 1: A significant number of HCV biodiversity species are present in the study area and its surroundings. signs of critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU) and nearly threatened (NT) flora and fauna (HCV 1.2) observed during the assessment. Total of 34 fauna and 36 flora species were found to be an ERT species. There are 20 endemic fauna and 55 flora species found in the study sites (HCV 1.3). Areas for critical temporal use were also identified to be present (HCV 1.4).

  • HCV 2: The area is an important linkage between larger forest complexes as it surrounded by logging concession, Totally Protected Areas and Forest Management Unit (HCV 2).

  • HCV 3: Lowland and hill dipterocarp forest cover the whole area and this type of forest becoming rare and endangered as a result of the deforestation and degradation of it ecosystem (HCV 3).

  • HCV 4: The landscape of Linau FMU is undulating and steep areas with more that 35° slope recorded (HCV 4.1). To ensure that this value is maintained or enhanced, a river buffer prohibiting logging operations is required, and the size of the buffer depends on the size of the river or stream (HCV 4.2). Linau FMU is adjacent to Kayan Mantarang National Park, in Kalimantan side, which is separated by political boundary between Malaysia and Indonesia. The entire FMU is within HoB initiatives site, which connecting the TPA networks between Sarawak, Sabah and transboundary networks in Brunei and Kalimantan (HCV 4.3).

  • HCV 5: Result of the assessment for social and cultural values suggested HCV 5 is present as the Punan community of Long Lidem still depend on the forest area for their basic needs and economical source as Long Lidem located adjacent to Linau FMU.


14.  Community Development

Community development in Linau FMU is focusing in maintaining a balance between environment, economic and social objectives of the management of forest resources by

i. Better anticipation and management of an ever-expanding spectrum of risk regards to CSR issues;

ii. Improved reputation of Shin Yang FMU sustainable forest management to the outsiders;

iii. Enhanced ability to recruit, develop and retain staff;

iv. Improved ability to attract and build effective and efficient supply chain relationships.

v. Enhanced operational efficiencies and cost savings; and

vi. More robust “social license” to operate in the community

The Linau FMU Community Development Plan is using Plan- Do-Check-Improve- Cross Check approach and the consultation with Local Community is communicated with free, prior and informed consent to other parties.


15.  Socio Impact Assessment & Monitoring ( Update as at Jul 2019) [MC&I 8.2b].

The Social practitioner team leader, Mdm Esther reported that the Social Impact Assessment was conducted on 16th June 2017 and the Monitoring was conducted on 16th November 2018 at Linau Forest Management Unit. There are 3 practitioners involved in the SIA activities. The previous Social Impact Assessment is done on 16th June 2017 and opening meeting with stakeholders was leaded by Social Impact Assessment (SIA) practitioner team leader on 13th August 2017. The report then was submitted to Forest Manager for an approval and then practising the results of SIA into the FMP for FMP revision. The monitoring of the SIA mitigation and enhancement measures has been conducted to compliance monitoring to ensure compliance with the recommended mitigation / enhancement measures; and impact monitoring of relevant key social impacts after the forest harvesting or conversion activities to evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation / enhancement measures. The satisfaction of the Long Lidem to Linau Forest Management as at Jul 2019 is

2019 7 social impact t3228


16.  Safety and Health Environmental

To improve the awareness of Occupational Safety & Health among the workers and employers, Shin Yang has established Safety and Health Committee in the FMU and is headed by the camp manager. There are representative for both management and employees’ .According to OSHA section 13, the person in charge with safety and health or safety officer is appointed as a secretary for the meeting. The committee is to:

  • Facilitating co-operation between employers and employees to instigate, develop and carry measures to ensure safety and health of workers;

  • Assisting in developing health and safety policies,procedures and systems for the workplace ;

  • Other functions agreed by the safety and health committee; and

  • Disseminate of safety and health matters and planning that had discussed to employees

  • The FMU has committed to ensure safety at working place through the safety policy written and signed by the General Manager on 14/03/2017.

  • The FMU collaborates closely with SFC and Sarawak Timber Association (STA) in their design and implementation of training programs for job specific skills, health and safety and venue of vocational training in the field of forestry and forestry industry.


17.  Worker Representative

Management has committed with the policy dated 21st March 2017 that the management is not objection the free of workers within Linau FMU to join into union in accordance with ILO 87 and 98. Worker representative has been set up to have a free, prior, inform and consent in negotiation with the management of the FMU.


18.  Cost & Expenses

As at year end report Linau FMU as at 6 months year end in 2018 of management review has contributed RM 1136,856 in Economic Aspect, RM 158,095 in ecology management and RM 202,673 in Social Aspect.









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